What games are on the Wii U?
Plagued by a lack of titles in its infancy the Wii U has finally amassed a respectable library. I'm going to break down all of the games I have bought for the console as well as the ones I haven't. This list will be ranked by which games I think you should buy first.
1. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD - This game will remain one of the best games on the Wii U throughout the system's life. How do you improve on a game that is already generally accepted as one of the best games in one of the most well known franchises? Give the graphics an unbelievable polishing and correct a couple of small inefficiencies that were present in the original game. At this moment right now, if you are going to own only one Wii U game, this is the best game on the console.
2. Super Mario 3D World - Brilliant level design, five player local co-op, and everyone's favorite Nintendo mascot Mario 3D World is an absolute masterpiece. The Cat suit is the new big feature for this game and let me tell you, it's a complete game changer. There's not much like the feeling of jumping into oblivion only to snag onto a wall just in time. Slashing enemies with your claws and running on all fours really makes you think about a platformer completely differently. The multiplayer in this game is quite fun as well and isn't held back by the usual multiplayer platforming games. This is seriously a must buy for any Wii U owner.
3. Hyrule Warriors - Talk about a shockingly awesome game. I had expected to like this game on a casual level mostly because I am a huge Zelda fan. The one thing I didn't expect was to love what is basically a Dynasty Warriors hack and slash style game. The number of different characters, levels, challenges, adventure mode, and the upcoming DLC means that this game is supposed to take well over 200 hours to complete. I can't say much else apart from that if you enjoy Zelda and Dynasty Warriors even a little bit then you will love this game.
4. Mario Kart 8 - This is the best Mario Kart game ever. Many people will claim that Mario Kart Double Dash is the best in the series but never has there been one this accessible to all gamers. That isn't to say that the game is easy. Pretty much all of the Mario Kart games have their place for the casual gamer and for the hardcore gamer. Mario Kart 8 is the best example of this by far. No longer are items the absolute main determiner in who wins races (one of the biggest problems with Mario Kart Wii). With five player local co-op, comprehensive online play and two DLC packs on the way (one in less than a month) this is THE multiplayer game to own on the Wii U.
5. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - It's kind of crazy how great this game is. After Donkey Kong Country Returns on the Wii and Donkey Country Returns 3D on the 3DS I was pretty sure that Nintendo had put themselves in a pretty terrible position. They had revived a long neglected franchise and completely knocked it out of the park. There was a lot of pressure on this game to be awesome and I'll be damned if Nintendo didn't just shut me the hell up. Tropical Freeze is awesome. It's platforming in its purest sense, with that fantastic Donkey Kong difficulty, creativity and appeal. The pure challenge of this game is wonderful and never quite gets to the point of being too frustrating. If you decide you want to get to that level there are several bonus stages that will make you question your own sanity.
6. Bayonetta 2 - The sequel to the seriously hyped and awesome Bayonetta 1, Nintendo brought this franchise back from the dead and did so in epic fashion. If you've never played the series before it's not problem! Nintendo has kindly included the first game free of charge in both physical and digital formats! Once you buy this game prepare for one of the most vibrant, over the top, insane action gaming experiences of your entire life. You can play this game to the point where it almost feels like Bayonetta is dancing while she caps bitches with the guns on her god damned feet. It's pretty hard to describe what Bayonetta is apart from an insane exercise in video games. The story, while I wouldn't call it lackluster, is just the right amount of campy and zany that makes you just love it. This is definitively one of the best games on the Wii U and the fact that it comes with the first game for free makes it one of the best gaming values out there right now. I'd really recommend checking out some videos of the gameplay if you can because describing here in words really can't do it justice.
7. Pikmin 3 - If you have never played a game in the Pikmin series this is an excellent place to jump in. You are in charge of new characters and the inefficiencies of the first two games are all but gone. With an excellent single player campaign involving multiple Pikmin leaders this game is a multitasker's dream and truly offers a unique video game experience; something very difficult to come by from a large publisher. Pikmin 3 also offers several multiplayer modes including cooperative and competitive modes. Pikmin is one of Nintendo's most underrated series. Despite each of the three games garnering fabulous reviews it tends to be the semi-black sheep of the Nintendo franchises. I truly recommend you try this title out because I'm sure you will love it.
8. Rayman Legends - Although this game was released on multiple platforms if you pay attention to the gaming world you'll know that Legends was originally supposed to be a Wii U exclusive game. Therefore, this version of the game is considered the definitive version and is the only one that can actually take advantage of the touch screen controls. This game also has an insane amount of content: it has the normal single player which can support up to five players playing at once, it has many of the best levels from Rayman Origins, it has a fun soccer minigame, it has daily online challenges (which are still updated as of this post), and many different playable characters. I absolutely love this game. If it hadn't been made into a multi-platform title I would put it higher on this list but make no mistake that this is one of my favorite platforming games ever; certainly in my top ten.
9. Game and Wario - Developed by the Intelligent Systems (Fire Emblem Series, Super Metroid, Advance Wars, Paper Mario series, Wario Ware series, and the Pushmo series (basically these guys are doing anything but fucking around)). What is there to say about Game and Wario? It's a spiritual successor to the Wario-Ware series. It's a "party game" so it's a collection of mini-games that have both single player and multiplayer modes. Where Game and Wario separates itself is from it's wonderful use of the gamepad and for the seriously insane content floating around this game. It has games that range from things as easy as pictionary to games that I can honestly say I've never encountered before. All of the games are interesting, some of them more so than others, and all of them warrant coming back to when you have friends over. Since this is a sort of fringe title you can usually find it for relatively cheap at places like amazon and target. I really recommend checking this out despite some of the mixed reviews it garnered.
10. The Wonderful 101 - Developed by the wonderful Platinum Games, the Wonderful 101 boasts a control scheme unlike any other. You control a large group of heroes and order commands by drawing them onto the gamepad and pushing buttons. It's an action game with a mix of puzzle solving and feels sort of like a Pikmin game in the sense that you need to control multiple heroes. The story is very over the top and charming and despite a couple of frustrating sections I really freaking enjoy this game. Expect something new, expect something fun.
11. New Super Mario Bros. U/Luigi U - A new take on the classic 2D Mario experience. The new power introduced in this game is the flying squirrel suit and I have to say, I absolutely love it. The level design, the overworld map, and the difficulty are all right in line with what I expect from a Mario title. Awesomely, after you beat the Mario game you can go ahead and play the second game: New Super Luigi U. It takes place on the same overworld map but each level is quite different and must be completed in 100 seconds or less. To make it even crazier, the levels themselves contain more enemies and even more precarious situations. This is something that many Mario fans had been asking for for some time, an actually difficult platforming title. New Super Luigi U is a welcome breath of fresh air to a well established franchise from Nintendo. Personally I feel it's a must buy and it can often be found inside a bundled Wii U system if you do not yet own one.
13. Zombi U - It really is a shame that this game had to come out in the early life of the Wii U. A launch game, Zombi U is an FPS that takes place in London after the Zombie apocalypse. Instead of the usual slaughtering hordes upon hordes Zombie game, Zombi U takes the "realistic" route: Zombies are quite powerful and kill the player very quickly. The game is based around coordinating with a group of unseen survivors in hopes of rendezvousing with them and escaping. The game has a normal story mode, a survival mode (where you try and get as far in the game as you can without dying once), and a shockingly fun multiplayer mode. The player with the gamepad summons different types of zombies onto the field using the touch controls while any other number of players fight against those zombies. It's one of the most fun multiplayer shooter games I've ever played and it's really sad that Ubisoft has basically said that they won't make another game unless the Wii U does extremely well. So we'll see what happens. Either way, pick this game up, pop it in the Wii U, turn off all of the lights, and get ready to be scared.
14. Batman Arkham City Armored Edition - The sequel to the critically acclaimed Arkham Asylum, Arkham City Armored Edition is essentially the GOTY. It comes with all of the DLC released for the game and comes integrated with gamepad controls that truly showcase why the Wii U is so awesome. I played this game first on the 360 and let me say that not only does this version look better but it is without a doubt the best version of the game that has been released. If you haven't played this game before, you should buy this the day you get your console. If you just wanted to replay the game I've seen it for very cheap at several stores because it was on the Wii U, it was already an old title when it came to the Wii U, and while it did meet sales expectations they printed a bunch of copies of it. Really do check this game out if you see it in the bargain bin for 10-20 bucks.
15. Lego City Undercover - This is without a doubt the best "Lego" game I have ever played. You play as Chase McCain a cop in a city with a lot to prove. This is essentially a platformer/collecting game/grand theft auto for kids. I really really enjoyed this game and for all of the guys with girlfriends/wives that aren't necessarily in to video games this is a great game to play alongside them. Its controls are easy and intuitive, the game is very forgiving when it comes to making mistakes, and the humor/story truly are a lot of fun. The game takes you to several places you'd never have guessed and I can assure you that 100%ing the game is a bunch of fun. As you beat the game you unlock cheat codes which can make the game that much more goofy and helps to boost the replay value. I must say though, the reason this game isn't higher up on the list is because of the god damned loading time. Thankfully this isn't like a PS1 era game where it's literally loading every 5 minutes (probably around once every 15-20 minutes in this game) but damn it the screens take forever. If you have a DS or something to occupy you for the minute or so each loading screen takes I'd really recommend it. Believe me, the game is worth playing and any Wii U owner should seriously consider checking this game out. But I can't let you go in blind either, the loading screens are an annoying factor. Ian's prescription for loading screens, keep a 3DS with pokemon on hand.
16. Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut - There's not much to say about this one that wasn't already said about the Batman game. It's the Director's Cut so it comes with all DLC etc. The one major thing that was changed for this version is that the boss battles have been updated to keep them more in the spirit of the actual gameplay; much more focused on stealth and choices. If you've never played the game, pick this up for sure. If you've already played it, you can probably skip it.
17. Wii Party U - A fun party game and a great sequel to the original one of the Wii. Lots of game modes and up to five players makes for a surprising amount of fun. At times, I like the Wii Party series more then the Mario Party series but with this one it's hard to say. If I were to be totally objective, I'd say that I think the first Wii Party was a bit better. I got my copy for free through a Nintendo promotion but if I had to pay I'd feel very comfortable paying around 10-15 dollars for this title. Don't pay any more than though because games like this go on sale ALL the time time.
18. Batman Arkham Origins - This game got a lot of grief when it first came out because it has to live in the shadow of Asylum and City. While this is the "worst" game in the Arkham series I still found it immensely enjoyable. Essentially it's more of the same with a few new things which for this kid is A OK. I purchased this on the Wii U to support the console but the DLC for this game is not on the Wii U so unless you don't care about that stuff I'd actually have to recommend buying it on the ps3 or the 360; at least for the time being.
19. Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed - Seriously this is such a badass game, it's just a shame that it now lives in the shadow of Mario Kart 8. This game is a lot floatier, a lot of more fast paced, and full of random characters from Shinobi to freaking Danica Patrick of all people (nominee for most random character included in any video game roster ever). I have also seen this game for super cheap so if you really want to expand your Wii U library this is an excellent game to do it with, especially for those times when you want to race but don't exactly feel like playing Mario Kart.
20. Sonic Lost World - One of the only titles on the Wii U I have bought that has slightly disappointed me. I love Sonic. I have loved the character since I was a small kid. Unfortunately, this game has fallen into the same trap that many of the more recent Sonic games have faced: many excellent things to say along with many shameful and annoying things to say. I would give this game a solid 6/10 if you don't get much into Sonic and am 7.5/10 if you do. The gameplay is fun but it feels like they almost scaled it back a bit from something it once was. I do however love the visuals and level design. If you are a Sonic junkie like me, this is absolutely a must buy. It will fill that Sonic void in your heart and if you can get in for the 20 bucks that I paid for it, I think you will leave feeling satisfied.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Edition - While I have not yet played this game I can say that the number of people I've seen online who have put over 500 hours into the game is astounding. One of the most popular game series in Japan right now and developing a large following in North America, Monster Hunter games are said to be some of the best online multiplayer experiences around. Hunt down giant effin monsters for your own amusement. The main reason I haven't bought this game is because I know I'd like it and I don't want to sink that much time into it hehe.
What Games Are Coming in the Future??
Nintendo has announced several new titles for the end of 2014 through TBA 2016. Here's a brief list and synopsis of all currently known upcoming Wii U titles. Each link leads to a trailer for each game.
Captain Toad Treasure Tracker - Originally showcased in Super Mario 3D World, Captain Toad Treasure Tracker is a game about getting Toad from one end of a level to another. It's a shocking amount of fun and the 40$ retail price means a day 1 purchase for this guy. Trailer for game!
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse - Sequel to the truly excellent Kirby and the Canvas Curse on the DS. This game is looking to be awesome!
Mario Maker - A 2D mario level editor and sharing game. This is going to produce some absolutely insane Mario creations and I seriously cannot wait.
Mario Party 10 - It's gonna be Mario Party and that means it's likely going to be at the very least playable and fun when a bit drunk. So far the Wii U integration looks pretty legit. Hopefully once it releases we will hear only good things.
Project Giant Robot and Project Guard - Two new IP's being worked on by Miyamoto. We don't know much about them yet but anything that man touches seems to turn to gold so we'll see what happens!
Shin Megamu Tensei X Fire Emblem - Still in development but the hype is very real.
Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric - Looking to be another mediocre Sonic title sadly. We will see though. Can't judge until I've played it but the signs aren't all that encouraging.
Splatoon - What seems to be one of the first shooters coming to the system Splatoon is a new IP by Nintendo that looks interesting. Not much yet is known apart from the goal: painting the field!
Star Fox U - No actual footage yet exists we just know that it's in development. Very much looking forward to it!
Super Smash Bros. Wii U - The next HUGE release for the Wii U is the newest Super Smash Brothers. Already out on the 3DS this game is going to be absolutely fantastic. Cannot wait for November 21st!
The Legend of Zelda U - If what we are hearing is real, this could be the best and most innovative Zelda game to date. ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN!!!!!
Xenoblade Chronicles X - Sequel to the excellent game on the Wii (Xenoblade Chronicles) this game just looks incredible. I really don't know what else to say apart from watch the damn trailer and get hyped with me.
Yoshi's Wooly World - A spiritual successor to Kirby's Epic Yarn, Yoshi's Wooly World looks absolutely beautiful. Cannot wait to get my hands on it.
What About the Online Store?
The Nintendo eshop has an excellent library of oldschool to new titles, several new ones are added weekly. Some games I'd recommend:
- Mighty Switch Force - Fun platformer involving switch platforms on and off and shooting. It's a lot of fun and very fast paced.
- NES Remix - A literal best of NES experience, taking pieces from classic NES games and making a whole new experience. Physical release of NES remix 1 and 2 coming soon,
- Pushmo World - One of the best Puzzle/Platformer series ever, Pushmo is one of my favorite titles on the 3DS and Pushmo World is just more of the same but bigger and better in every way. Check it the heck out.
- Shovel Knight - Critically acclaimed classic NES style platformer. A Wii U and 3DS exclusive this game has received nearly universal praise.
The eshop contains everything from: NES, SNES, Gameboy Advance, and is rumored to have Gamecube and DS games some day. Some of the highlights include games like: Earthbound, Megaman X series, Metroid Fusion, Advance Wars, Zelda the Minish Cap, etc.
What Else is Awesome About the Wii U?
- The gamepad functions as a universal remote both when the console is powered on and off
- You can access your tv guide and cable provider stuff through the gamepad
- You can play almost all games just on the Gamepad. That way if someone else wants to use the TV you can keep playing. Also! In case you have to poop and you don't want to stop, you no longer have anything to fear
- The Wii U has an internet browser, all of the streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc.)
- The Wii U is also a Wii and is compatible with pretty much all old Wii games and accessories
- If you have old Wii VC games, you can move them for free onto the wii u memory or you can pay a much reduced price (1 dollar for NES and 1.50 for SNES games) to have them upgraded to play on the wii u and gamepad. I have done this with several games it is well worth doing.
- Many games, such as Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Brothers, have online sharing features so you can share your favorite pictures or videos of your favorite games.
- It has a NFC (Near Field Communicator) that allows it to communicate with special pieces of hardware (specifically the soon to be released Amiibo figures)
- It has a built in Gyroscope
- Switching from the gamepad to the TV is literally instantaneous
- It has a camera and microphone for video/audio chat
- The upcoming line of Amiibo toys actually look pretty cool. Some of the in game features are yet to be seen but I'm definitely looking forward to it
- The Miiverse (Wii U social media tool) is actually surprisingly cool and filled with a bunch of passionate and creative people.
- The price is pretty hard to argue with. 250 bucks for my current favorite console out right now.
OK, I have all the info about the Wii U...Except Which one to buy...
The Wii U comes with two versions:
1. The Basic Wii U - A White Console with White Gamepad and 8GB of stock storage. I cannot stress this enough, the Basic Model, while cheaper, is the more foolish buy. What you really want is option #2
2. The Deluxe Wii U - A Black Console with a Black Gamepad and 32GB of stock storage, a charging stand, a copy of Nintendoland, and owning a Deluxe gives you 10% back on all purchases of 50 bucks or more! So if you are the kind of person who wants their games digitally you could actually make a decent bit of money back through this unlimited promotion. Plus, with how many Wii U bundles there are now, most Wii U Deluxe Bundles these days come with Nintendoland and another game as well. So in the end, you will likely save more money by getting the Deluxe version of the Wii U.
- With all of this being said, be absolutely sure you check all available online bundles/deals before you purchase a console. Nintendo constantly does promotions for free games, especially when it comes to getting people to buy a Wii U. Right now online I see Deluxe bundles containing Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World, New Super Mario Bros. U, and Zombi U. Personally, I feel the best deal still available in terms of Bundles is the Zombi U Bundle. Not many are left in stock on Amazon but it comes with the Deluxe Console, Nintendo Land, Zombi U, and a black Pro Controller (normally retails for 50). However, whenever deciding whether or not to purchase a new console, always look at which new games are coming out you might want and make sure that either a bundle or special edition console isn't coming that you might want. I missed out on the Wind Waker Wii U because of that.
There really has never been a better time to buy a Wii U and in fact, I'd say this is the best time. Once the console starts selling more and more units some of the games that were previously made cheap due to lack of demand will soon go up in price. I'd recommend purchasing one as soon as you can. I've been enjoying mine since the day I got it. Thanks very much for reading! Hope I convinced you!
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